Intercessors Camp 2023
“Unshaken when everything is Shaking”
Thursday 27 – Sunday 30 July 2023
Join hundreds of delegates of all ages from across Jamaica for this Face-to-Face gathering to enrich, encourage and be excited as we worship our all-powerful God!
The pandemic is over and the Lord has been good in curbing the spread of the virus so for the first time since 2019 we are able host another annual 3-day residential camp where we come to fast and pray for our nation.
Jamaica is in crisis and we are at a defining, watershed moment in the history of our nation. Our constitution is being amended, attempts are being made to re-define families and gender, legalize the killing of the unborn and other unrighteous acts. Let us come together and petition God for the deliverance of our nation.
Join us at the Knox College in Clarendon July 27-30. Our venue is huge and has more than sufficient space to accommodate hundreds of participants while observing all the relevant protocols.
Enjoy a dynamic, God-filled time of praise, worship and teaching with programmes for each generation and online break-out rooms on specialist topics. Our theme this year is “Unshaken when everything is Shaking”. Allow God to minister to us individually, our family, our community and our nation.
As part of our program this year will be “One Night with the King”, which is one night of just Worship and Praise as we love on Jesus.
The programme will be led by Dr Maria Harbajan, Rev Devon Harbajan, Pastor Elaine Jackson, Auntie Kathryn Snider and many other respected worship leaders and bible-based teachers.
Join us for a time of encouragement, spiritual nourishment, fun, fellowship and above all – a time to be built up and blessed in your prayer life and your walk with God.
Spaces are limited… do book now!
You can register and pay online today and are priced at these rates just to enable your participation. We would love to see you there.
2023 Camp Prices
Full Camp July 27-30th
J$ 8600 US$ 65 before July 01 (early bird)
J$9000 US$70 July 01 and beyond
From Friday July 28-30th
J$7500 US$55
From Saturday Jul 29-30th
J$3500 US$30
Children and Youth
(16yrs and under)
Full or Partial Camp
J$ 4500 US$35
Full Camp July 27-30th
J$ 7,500 US$ 60 incl meals
From Friday July 28-30th
J$ 5,000 US$40 incl meal
Daily J$ 2,500 incl meals
J$ 3000 USD $25 all sessions – Zoom
Non-residential fees are same for adult and children
Residential children fee is heavily discounted so is the same for full or partial camp.
This is a fasting camp so one evening meal is served for adults. Hot beverage, water is provided. Children are served a morning and evening meal.
If you are travelling from overseas for this event please visit this website for travel / immigration requirements.
For further details and assistance with the payment options, call us on 876 829 6867