The NIPNOJ and PCC Secretariat would welcome any donations, will bequests or corporate support no matter how small.
We recognize that in light of the current global economic and pandemic crisis this would involve giving sacrificially.
Your gifts will undoubtedly assist us in fulfilling our mission and vision for the Caribbean region and beyond.
We have a number of ways to give. Feel free to give in whatever way best for you!

To Give Online: Click this link to make a secure donation using debit / credit cards and Paypal.
To Give Using Internet Banking: Use the bank account details below to make your payment then contact us using the contact form here.
For Jamaican Dollars
First Global Bank
Liguanea Branch
Savings Account 99085-8873069
Thank you for your support.
God bless you.
Here are details of our bank accounts, which are care of our umbrella organisation – National Intercessory Prayer Network Of Jamaica:
Payment Details:
Bank: First Global Bank
Account Name: NIPNOJ
Branch: Liguanea
Account Type & Number: Savings Account USD 99085-8873070
Branch code: 99085
Wire Transfer Details
United States Dollars USD
Correspondent Bank:
Citibank N.A. 111 Wall Street, New York, NY 10043
Swift Code CITIUS33
ABA# 021000089
FGB’s Account #36206959
Beneficiary Bank:
First Global Bank Limited
28-48 Barbados Avenue, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.
Great Britain Pounds (GBP)
Correspondent Bank:
Citibank N.A., London
Citigroup Centre, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB, UK
Swift Code CITIGB2L
Sort Code: 18-50-08
IBAN GB43CITI18500810639079
Beneficiary Bank:
First Global Bank Limited
28-48 Barbados Avenue, Kingston, Jamaica W.I.
Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Correspondent Bank:
Toronto Dominion Bank
Beneficiary Bank:
Citibank N.A., London
Citigroup Centre, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB, UK
Swift Code CITIGB2L
Sort Code: 18-50-08
IBAN GB43CITI18500810639079
Special Instruction: For further credit to: Beneficiary’s FGB Account Name and Number
Euro (See instructions for Great Britain Pounds.
Wire Instructions
When sending international wires to a FGB account, the instructions should include the beneficiary’s name, address, address and account number. FGB account numbers should be formatted as branch code + account number e.g. 9900858873070